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  1. S

    My Pokemon artworks :)

    Go here: I have mostly Pokemon art there. :) Go check it out and tell me what ya think. Oh and for those of you who simply can't stand advanceshipping please turn back now. 8)
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    Pokemon wot is ur faviroute grass starter?

    Hmm... kinda a hard choice for me to make but I guess I say Chikorida.
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    Who is Your Favourite Character in Pokemon Anime?

    RE: Who is Your Favourite Character in Pokemon? My fav is May and always will be. :shy:
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    who is more attractive?

    Well to be frankly honest I don't find any of those characters...*cough* sexy. I mean, c'mon! They're freakin' anime charaters!! And Professor Oak? PROFESSOR OAK?!! You're kidding right!?! O_o
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    Pokemon Is Mewtwo uber?

    Is "uber" supposed to mean something along the lines of super or strong if so then I guess Mewtwo is pretty...uber. :rolleyes:
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    Writing (Fanfic) Once upon a Pokemon christmas

    Once upon a Pokemon Christmas. By Skitty101 Advanceshippy/Orangeshippy Yeah, yeah. I know christmas is long over but I wanted to post this christmas Pokemon fanfic that I made. :) a/n: A advanceshippy/orangeshippy(and possibly others...)christmas fic for the holidays! Ash and co walk...
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    May's Goodbye

    May's goodbye, from what I've seen in pictures was not at all emotional which is a shame. It's sucks they didn't put in a short thing with a song showing memories that Ash, May, Max and Brock had during their adventures. :( A_A's edit: Please don't revive topics over 2 weeks old. This one's...
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    You and music

    I usually like to listen to upbeat songs. Like pop or techno, Not really a fan of slow songs...puts me to sleep. :\ But I do listen to them occantionally. (sp?) So yeah, when it comes to music I like ta listen to the upbeat stuff. :cool:
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    Pokemon Do you think they will make a 24 hour pokemon channel supported by CN?

    That would be super cool if they did! I would watch it all day, everyday. :cool: heh.
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    Pokemon Look at this!

    O_O Wooo...scary looking pokemon right dere. I want this game!
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    New Voice Actors Discussion

    Ugh! I still hate the voices! Can't believe I recorded the first 2 episodes of BF on tape. I have to say that Brock is the only okay one. Max sounds well older. I liked his old voice better, IMO he sounded cute. Even though May's new VA has mastered making her sound younger she still sounds...
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    Who Will You Miss The Most? May or Max?

    I'm defiantly going to miss May! She was my favorite charcter from the start of Pokemon Advanced. I loved her personality. I liked how she was a clutz, naive and was kinda dumb sometimes. :P She always made me laugh. She was very funny. I'll miss Max as well. But not as much as I'm going to miss...
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    Pokemon who is better???

    I like Bellosom so cute. ^_^ Politoed is so happy and cheerful. :)
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    Pokemon what would happen if pokemon were real?

    I wouldn't have to go to school! Woohoo!! I would be off on a Pokemon journey right now with a little ol' Mudkip by my side. ^_^
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    TOP - 4 episodes

    1. *The Bicker the better* This episode is hilarious!:P And is majorly advanceshippy! 2. In the knicker of time "Pokemon change!" LOL 3. Love at first flight Trully awesome episode! *_* 4. There's no place like Hoenn Max getting attacked by Torchic simply hysterical!:P
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    What Do You Think of Chronicles So Far?

    I think that Pokemon Chronicles is really cool! For one thing the episodes focus on other charaters besides Ash. :rolleyes: The episode that I really liked of Chronicles is Celebi and Joy, that was a very great episode. Also the Misty focused episodes. :D
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    Pokemon Is The Best Movie Franshise Ever!

    I vote Jirachi Wish Maker! I love that movie. IMO, it had the most humor then any other Pokemon movies. :)
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    Pokemon What is your favorite Pokemon?

    Only allowed to choose only one favorite Pokemon? Well it's a tie between Skitty and Kadabra. :shy:
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    Finished Rate the sig & avatar above you.

    cool avy :) 8/10 sig kinda scares me. (not the first pic but the second one) 6/10
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    A muddy...Mudkip

    Here's a little something I did in paint. Mudkip is one of my favorite Pokemon. tell me what you think.:)