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    Entei Suicune Legend

    So this card's stats: HP:160 EDIT: Thanks for providing the HP, I'm posting the link to the bottom half of the LEGEND for clarity. Thanks for reading the rules! ~EspeonROX. Bottom half of Suicune & Entei LEGEND from HS-Unleashed. So this card looks pretty neat. I was thinking of...
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    Ruling Sableye+belt

    If i attached an expert belt to sableye and used impersonate does it do 20 dmg to my opponents active?
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    Decks after the new format

    Seeing as i'm new to the tcg world the whole rotation system baffles me. And from the threads going around that sets are being rotated out (For the sake of this thread lets just say it's RR-on). That means that SP will lose some of its oomph, and other 'staple' cards like sableye and BTS would...
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    Gengar Lv. X/ Dusknoir Lv. X

    Name: Swarming Shadows v.Gengar Comments: A deck I put together mostly to mess around. Might try it competitively... so any advice/comments are welcome. TOTAL CARDS: 60 POKEMON: 25 3-2-3-1 Dusknoir Lv. X (Shadow Command) 2-1-2-1 Gengar Lv. X (Fainting Spell) 1 Azelf, LA-19 2 Uxie, LA-43 1...
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    Customized Play Mats

    Anyone have any? I've seen a few here and there that looked cool. Feel free to share them. :D Here is mine.. I'm not too sure if i'd be able to use this at a tournament or anything... but it looks cool :p
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    Gengar + ________?

    Pokemon: 17 3-2-3-1 Gengar Lv. X (prime) 4 Spiritomb 2 Uxie 1 Azelf 1 Unown Q Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 26 T. 9 2 Pokemon Communication 2 Rare Candy 2 Expert Belts 1 Luxury Ball 2 Warp Points S. 14 3 Bebe's Search 4 Cyrus's Conspiracy 1 Palmer's Contribution 3 Pokemon Collector 3...
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    Swarming Shadows (Dusknoir Lvl. X/Tyranitar Prime

    So I am reposting my most recent deck build. I am not specifically looking to change my main line up of t-tar and dusknoir, but i am looking for opinions on how to make it competitive w/ popular decks that include g-dos, machamp, donphan, dialga, garchomp etc. So any opinions would be...
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    Tyranitar Prime/Dusknoir Lvl X

    I just started playing the card game not too long ago and I decided to try to build a completely customized deck. Here it is.. LATEST VERSION TOTAL CARDS: 57 POKEMON: 22 3-2-3-1 Dusknoir Lvl. X (2 Shadow Command, 1 Spirit Pulse) 2-1-1 Tyranitar Prime 1-1-1 Nidoqueen 1 Azelf, LA-19...