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  1. E

    DialgaChomp and the new format. New cards that are added/tested. It shall rise again!

    luxchomp is in my opinion a more dangerous matchup than pretty much any gengar variation. i'd rather play a card that helps me against a deck i'll be playing in later rounds of a tournament than not play it because it gives me a small setup vs. a deck that i'm really overall not worried about.
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    DialgaChomp and the new format. New cards that are added/tested. It shall rise again!

    i agree with this. i've tested both champion's room and alph, and the ability to do damage while deafening and OHKO a non-leveled luxray is a big advantage, especially considering most luxchomps don't play stadiums.
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    Rhyperior SV Just a thought

    you're right on the weakness, i was thinking of the lv.x. either way, the point is clear: the card is too slow for competitive use.
  4. E

    SP energy, so useless, but?

    most sp decks play a huge amount of more necessary special energies (calls, DCEs, warps) that there's simply no room for SP energies if you still want to maximize the efficiency of your cyruses (meaning being able to get an energy with them). i personally have not yet seen a good use for energy...
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    Stegosu (rock-ice type) , comment please

    the green on the evolution looks strange... might just be the scanner quality possibly but i still think it would look better in a different color. clashes too much currently.
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    Rhyperior SV Just a thought

    i've tried this a couple times before, even when claydol was in the format, but to no avail. it's a huge tank, but always ends up being WAY too slow. with things like kingdra and palkia lurking around to do huge damage and potentially OHKO your belted Rhyperiors, it's just not worth it. this...
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    Choice in friends

    i don't understand why it has to be one or the other. why can't you have a large group of more casual friends that you see once in a while and a smaller circle of close friends that you rely on/see more often/etc.? if you know a lot of people, nothing is stopping you from becoming closer to...