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    Yu-Gi-Oh! Movie: Super Fusion! Bonds that Transcend Time

    CARD GAMES ON MOTORCYCLES!!!!!!!! Yeah... The movie is only like 40 minutes long... Kinda short for a movie, and it stars all three protagonists from the series.... 4kids should be in the process of dubbing it as we speak...
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    Truly scary games?

    Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem for the Gamecube... game is not only scary, but also plays with your mind... game fakes memory card and controller errors to play with you...
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    Twilight New Moon Smashes Box office records!

    Funniest thing to come from Twilight... period anyways... the characters are poorly portrayed... the dialogue and writing is horrible, and to top it all off, the actors are highly unbelievable. You couldnt get me to believe that Robert Pattison is actually dangerous... about the best you get...
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    Guitar Hero vs. Rock Band

    Rock Band is the far better designed game... considering that Harmonix is a company of nothing but musicians... i also like the oodles and oodles of DLC Rock Band has...