Search results

  1. G

    What to do?

    I'm feeling pretty uninspired for decks lately, and the last three ideas have either sucked, or rapidly became obsolete in the current format. Should I just rip one of the decklists off the Beach or Gym and go with that, or buy a Theme Deck and Trololol my way to the top?
  2. G

    Pokemon TPCi Mini 2011 Calendar

    TPCi sent me this little nifty calendar with all 3 Unova starters on it. Trying to set it up, but I'm confused about it. XD I dont' want to accidentally rip it. Scan of each side: I think I'm supposed to tear the pokeball away from the base and let it hang in the middle, but I don't want...
  3. G

    Pokemon Pokemon Halloween Costumes?

    I had absolutely NO idea where to put this thread, so sorry if it's in the wrong spot. XD Who's doing something pokemon related for halloween? =D? Fun pics? I just finished my Futachimaru Gijinka costume about an hour ago.
  4. G

    A graberjr mini-rant

    Nicknames are cool and all... But can we all please stop with the dumb abbreviating/combining of names? ex: LuxChomp (luxray + Garchomp) Raptor (staraptor) LuxPluff (Luxray + Jumpluff) FlyChamp (Flygon + Machamp) CurseGar (Kay, that's just much longer than Gengar) BlastGatr (Blastoise +...
  5. G

    Looking for some pokemon with a certain attack type

    Wasn't sure which forum this would go in. But basically I need a pokemon whose attack (not caring how much damage it does) causes it to switch with one of its player's benched pokemon (such as bounce from Eevee.) Something that can fit in a {M}/{P} deck pretty easily. Trying to go for a...
  6. G

    Nightfall Deck Box

    I was wondering if anyone could upload a scan of the face of the little deck box that comes with the Nightfall theme deck. I just wanted a clean scan of it to use as my iPod background. 8D[hr] Anyone at all?
  7. G

    Ruling Espeon/Umbreon Prime and Garchomp LV. X MD

    Espeon Prime Evolution Memories Espeon can use the attacks of all Pokemon you have in play that evolve from Eevee as its own. (You still need the necessary Energy to use each attack.) Umbreon Prime Evoblast 50+ Does 50 damage plus 10 more damage for each of your Pokemon that evolves from...
  8. G

    Deck Slump

    I want to build a deck, but several of the ideas I have are waiting on cards from future sets, so I can't really do anything with those. Only deck idea I've been able to come up with today is Venomoth, but I don't have enough cards to fill it yet. I need some ideas of hidden gems to...
  9. G

    Originality disappeared?

    At Cities, I battled 4 identical Flygon lv. X decks out of six rounds. Coincidence, or is everyone spending too much time looking at other peoples' deck builds on PokeBeach or PokeGym? Anyone else annoyed with the fact that there's no variety in decks anymore? Garchomp/Luxray, Flygon/Mewtwo...
  10. G

    Platinum and HGSS

    How come the Platinum and HGSS sets are listed under Diamond And Pearl on the front page? They're completely different sets. Also the HeartGold SoulSilver link takes me to the Video Game article "‘HeartGold’ and ‘SoulSilver’ in Spring 2010"
  11. G

    HGSS Question

    So I was looking through the FAQ and I haven't seen this question addressed. With a card that tells you to search your deck for a "trainer" card, will we be able to use them to search for a "goods (items)" card?
  12. G

    Delete Please

    I know a gajillion other people are looking for the Lucario sleeves... But I want some too. Anyone have a set of 60? I want to try and NOT go over $25 if I can help it.
  13. G

    Late Night Gaming

    Looking to practice an Unlmited deck. Anyone up for it? Network: Name: Pokemon No Password
  14. G

    Graberjr's Trademania

    Live in Washington, US. Ship to US and Canada only.] Wants: Note: I only want Modified Format cards. Missing from HGSS Collection Alph Lithograph Needs: Pokemon Collector Flower Shop Lady Bianca Machamp Prime Ampharos Prime Samurot (ability) Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums Always looking...