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  1. Pokeplayer44

    Have you ever seen the rain?

    This is an idea I had for a rain team about a year ago, but just recently put into use. It has worked OK in the Battle Subway, getting my longest ever Super Double winning streak. Since this team was made without RNG'ing, some of the natures/IVs are not what they are listed here as, but are...
  2. Pokeplayer44

    What's the point of making items you can never use?

    This applies to more than one area of competitive battling, so I chose to not use a prefix. For instance, in VGC you cannot use the last few berries (Custap, Rowap, Enigma, etc.). That really doesn't make sense when you think about it, because some Pokemon in the Battle Subway on B/W and the...
  3. Pokeplayer44

    VGC Veteran Considering Trying OU

    After a few years in VGC, and seeing the huge interest in tiers like OU, UU, etc., I thought I may try one out in downtime when VGC isn't going on. I do understand a few things about tiers, but which one is best for a noob? Is it a good idea to jump straight to OU, or are lower tiers even easier...
  4. Pokeplayer44

    What's up with this card?

    I got this card a while back and thought, "Oh, it's fake." Today, a professor told me that he thinks it is real. What are your thoughts and if it's real what are they worth? I have a Gastly with the same holo style, the file was just too big to attach. [attachment=6651]
  5. Pokeplayer44

    Ho-Oh 'Phlosion with Reshiram

    My friend made a deck similar to this one before all the things that gave Legends a chance came out. 4 Ho-Oh Legend (2 top, 2 bottom) 2-1-2 Typhlosion Prime 2-2 Ninetails (CL or HS) 4 Reshiram Pokemon: 17 2 Legend Box 2 Rare Candy 3 Pokemon Collector 1 Professor Juniper 2 PONT...
  6. Pokeplayer44


    Ok, be honest. Do you cheat? I'm only posting this thread because at my local prerelease for EP there was a guy saying, "Victini will only be playable if it's stackable." Like seriously, if you have to cheat at Pokemon (you have no life or dignity), either let me in on how to do it (totally...
  7. Pokeplayer44

    Cards to run with Samurott B/W

    So if you've looked at my Raichu Prime thread, you've probably seen the discussion of Samurott (B/W) on there. I was looking around on the scans on the Pokebeach mainpage and I was disappointed at what little I noticed that would be a good tech. I think Feraligatr Prime with it could be decent...
  8. Pokeplayer44

    Raichu Prime-Is it worth anything?

    So I was looking around, and I remembered a while ago some people were talking about Raichu Prime. It is a pretty decent card (of course not if it's facing Donphan), and I think it's playable with Pachirisu (TR). Play down a Pachirisu, move all the energy to Raichu with its Power. Now, I know...
  9. Pokeplayer44

    Feraliduck deck. (Feraligatr Prime and Golduck TR)

    I had this idea a while ago, and it was one of two decks on my mind for States. So, here it is in its now skeletal form. 2-1-2 Feraligatr Prime 3-3 Golduck (TR) And I have two trainers in mind so far for sure (besides staples) 3-4 Engineer's Adjustments 3-4 Energy Retrieval Setup a...
  10. Pokeplayer44

    Finished The Chain Game

    So this is like the old chain game where you pick a Pokemon and someone comes up with a similarity to it and tells why. 3 Rules: 1. You can't use a Pokemon found less than 2 posts before yours. 2. Be creative! 3. Try not to repeat similarities over and over. This is my 1st game, so I sure...
  11. Pokeplayer44

    4th place Houndoom Prime w/ Drapion X

    My day started off well when I found a lucky penny after I ate lunch. I ended up placing for the first time. My final record was 2-2 (although one loss was to a junior so it didn't count.) and my Senior Division loss was to the 3rd place finisher last year at world's. Round 1: Pretty...
  12. Pokeplayer44

    What they should've (or shouldn't have) made..

    I made this thread so you can post your disappointments about cards here. I personally think they should've made a Magmortar e4, which was the only Elite Four Pokemon not made. I also don't think they should have made it Rayquaza C. Why not regular Rayquaza? What do you wish was/wasn't made?:P
  13. Pokeplayer44

    Ruling Garchomp C LV.X+DCE

    If Garchomp C Lv.X has an Energy Gain and a DCE attached to it, can it use Dragon Rush? The attack says: Discard 2 Energy attached to Garchomp C, then choose one of your opponents Pokemon. Something like that, anyways. Does DCE count for both of those if it has an Energy Gain, or do I have to...
  14. Pokeplayer44

    Ruling Luxray (AR) and Expert Belt

    OK. This is in a deck my friend is running, so I want to find out the ruling on it for him. With Luxray's (AR) Gadget Bolt attack, it says "You may do 100 damage instead of 60 if Luxray has a Pokemon Tool card attached to it. If you do, discard that tool card.", or something like that. What...
  15. Pokeplayer44

    Machamp counter?

    I just made a deck that is either SP or weak to fighting (mostly). The question is: What kills Machamp? Post and help me out, please!:P
  16. Pokeplayer44

    Trades, Trades, Amore! NeedGengar Prime! Updated with Call of Legends

    Rules: 1. I live in the US and only trade within the US. 2. I know cards, and I expect you to not try to rip me. 3. I only accept ENGLISH cards, unless I specifically say I don't care. 4. I have many more cards, ask for any you are interested in. 5. I prefer you make an offer, but I...