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  1. Owbione

    Market Analysis: Most Valuable Cards from “Mask of Change!” Dragapult ex?

    Jirachi only affects the attacks of basic Pokémon
  2. Owbione

    Great Tusk’s New Place in Standard

    I did that exact thing in the EUIC Joust when it was my last round, to secure the win
  3. Owbione

    The Butterfly Effect — How Roaring Moon Decks Changed My Mind

    I told people from the start, it was good. But did anyone listen, no. So now I tell you. I told you so
  4. Owbione

    Varoom, Revavroom, and Farfetch’d from “Mask of Change”

    The reveroom has pre release vibes
  5. Owbione

    All 66 “Crimson Haze” Main Set Cards Revealed!

    The new Greninja ex is really good as not just does it a a low cost set up attack but also has a better snipe that can kill biberal and you could pair it with boomerang but you could use it with baxscalaber to set up quickly and hit 120 to 2 every turn and you already have the candy package
  6. Owbione

    “Mask of Change” Japanese Pokemon TCG Set Revealed for April!

    Has anyone translated them
  7. Owbione

    Cramorant and Applin Illustration Rares from “Crimson Haze!”

    Beautiful, but wished they had made it better as two insane cramorant would be crazy.
  8. Owbione

    “Pokemon TCG Pocket” Immersive Collecting App Coming in 2024!

    Anyone know the translations yet
  9. Owbione

    “Pokémon LEGENDS: Z-A” Teased for Nintendo Switch in 2025!

    you got ash greninja, a mega evolution that no other Pokémon got. Is that not enough
  10. Owbione

    Iron Leaves and Walking Wake from Crimson Haze!

    Does it really, because it‘s damage Caps at 180 with self damage and it does not hit weakness on anything in the meta really.
  11. Owbione

    Mist Energy, Rabsca from “Wild Force” and “Cyber Judge”

    Nope not a chance, next time read the text carefully.
  12. Owbione

    First “Crimson Haze” Cards Revealed, Including Bloodmoon Ursaluna ex!

    There is a hydrapple in the art of the pack so it should be in the set.
  13. Owbione

    First “Crimson Haze” Cards Revealed, Including Bloodmoon Ursaluna ex!

    What you have forgotten is that iron thorns 1 shots lugia and is played in future box which plays 4 switch and still allows your abilities and you can just search it out and play it down and this turn on one with pokemon headquarters and unfair stamp would be crazy.
  14. Owbione

    Back To You — Understanding Kyogre

    I am used to playing a similar list, but the inclusion of mawile is a interesting choice but I see why you play it.
  15. Owbione

    Refining Refinement — Where Does Gardevoir ex Stand?

    Have you forgotten giratena and Tord lost boxes!
  16. Owbione

    Japanese “Battle Academy” Revealed for March Featuring Eight Pokemon ex!

    Have you seen the beauty of a deck called naganadadel quagsire.
  17. Owbione

    Japanese “Battle Academy” Revealed for March Featuring Eight Pokemon ex!

    I hope these aren’t in a set because if you at a pre release and you see shiny ex foil on the end of the pack. And you think how are you going to destroy people with it until it’s a Darkrai ex hitting less damage for 3 energy’s than a single prizer( hope they do print that cards from path to the...