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  1. L

    Discussion Guardians Rising vs Burning Shadows: Which is the Better Investment?

    So I sell/trade cards in my local scene and I was wondering if I should get another Guardians rising or wait for Burning shadows? GR has definitely been good to me since everyone wants Tapu Lele and even the GX version fetched me around 40-$50 (A month ago.) So I'm just wondering if I should...
  2. L

    Discussion Shipping and Packaging Pokémon Cards

    Hey guys! So I have a lot of cards that I would like to sell from commons to FAs. Thing is, I have a few questions about packaging/shipping . I used the video above as a reference and I do like his method however, he mentions not to pack more than 3 cards inside the toploader/pennysleeve. My...
  3. L

    Help Help With Pricing Cards.

    Thank you guys! I will use trollandtoad as my best reference. I'm actually from canada so I'm going to have convert their prices from USD to CAD. Thank you guys for the information!
  4. L

    Help Help With Pricing Cards.

    So I've decided to sell some cards from EX, FA, EX FA, SECRETS, GX, to HYPER. My problem is I don't know what I should price each card at. I understand cards go up and down however, is their a reliable place where I can source my pricing other than Ebay/Amazon? Thank you in advanced!
  5. L

    Help The "What Should I Buy?" Thread

    Just to clarify, when you say GRI you mean Guardians Rising correct? Sorry, I'm a fairly new player and I just want to make sure since I don't know a lot of the Pokemon TCG acronyms.
  6. L

    Help The "What Should I Buy?" Thread

    Hey guys! So I have a huge store-credit at my local card shop and I have the option to buy a booster box. The problem is I don't know which box to get. I'm content with the deck that I have and honestly, I would not mind turning my booster box purchase into some cash. With that said, which one...