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  1. 9.Lives

    Trades [US] 9 Lives Trade Thread - [W] Simple staples!

    Hey guys, just started the game back up so my collection for legal playable cards are somewhat limited at the moment (still working on growing my collection again). I do however have a bunch of old cards, for collection purposes perhaps, that will be listed. Thanks, and enjoy! Rules: 1. Mainly...
  2. 9.Lives


    Hey what's up guys. After taking YEARS off from the game, I have my first tournament coming up in a few days. After much research I was able to put this deck together and was wondering if y'all can help me tweak it beforehand. My main issue is I wasn't able to get my hands on any Shaymin-EX. A...
  3. 9.Lives

    Ruling Are Promo cards allowed to use in game?

    I was about to buy a promo card online (Shaymin-EX) and apparently it's the promo card from the 2015 WC's. It's authentic but with a different back. But the description said it wouldn't be allowed in an official game. Is that true? Back when I used to play, we were allowed to use these cards...
  4. 9.Lives

    Returning Player - Jumping Straight into Competitive

    Hey guys! Recently, after much deliberation, I decided to get back into the PTCG. It was something I was really into back then but fell off to handle other stuff. But it's something I really miss doing; the deck building, the research, the events, etc. The last time I played I was running an...