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  1. L

    Snorunt, Glalie, and Froslass from “Mask of Change”

    Froslass is a neat card to pair with Lokix or the new Brute Bonnett. It's probably still too slow but sounds like fun times.
  2. L

    Brute Bonnet, Iron Bundle from “Mask of Change”

    Brute Bonnett's Rattling Strike should be 50+ instead of 50x Edit: Thanks for the quick fix
  3. L

    Dudunsparce, Sableye from “Wild Force” and “Cyber Judge”

    Dudunsparce could theoretically be a tech against stall decks. But if you draw Dudun before Dun you're dunfor.
  4. L

    Wugtrio, Garbodor from “Ancient Roar” and “Future Flash”

    Just play Maractus (before it rotates). Though I guess the energy difference could be significant.
  5. L

    News Japan's December Sets: 'Ultra Sun' and 'Ultra Moon!'

    I think it goes for any Pokemon, Stage 2 or not. And it's condition is met with 3 or more Stage 2, not 2.
  6. L

    Standard Passimian/Raichu/Glalie EX

    Thanks for the suggestion. I will try to get the Mews first, since I have passed several expansions. It does seem that Raichu is lacking performance. It doesn't hit enough damage to KO a GX w/o Sky Field.
  7. L

    News Japan's December Sets: 'Ultra Sun' and 'Ultra Moon!'

    Any synergy I can think about is Psychic Transfer Lunala, but other than that, I can't see the use of this Pokemon. This hurts more because you can only put 1 copy of this in your deck. Hopefully more Prism Star synergy is coming, cause if not, this is pure Trubbish.
  8. L

    Standard Passimian/Raichu/Glalie EX

    This is actually Standard, because the Raichu from XY got reprinted in Generations. There is supposed to be one Raichu from Generations, but I think the game did something wrong. Thanks for the tips, though. It doesn't bother me that you criticize honestly, instead, it helps me to understand it...
  9. L

    Standard Passimian/Raichu/Glalie EX

    I'm a returning player in the TCG Online that has little to no good cards in the format. So I came up with a budget solution that I got from some trades. ****** Pokémon Trading Card Game Deck List ****** ##Pokémon - 16 * 4 Passimian SUM 73 * 2 Pikachu ROS 20 * 2 Pikachu BKT 48 * 1 Alolan...
  10. L

    Japan's XY11: 'Explosive Fighter / Cruel Traitor', CP5: 'Mythical / Legendary Dream Holo Collection'

    It would still be active, since the start of the game is when you got a Pokemon in your hand that can be put down as the Active Pokemon.
  11. L

    Japan's XY11: 'Explosive Fighter / Cruel Traitor', CP5: 'Mythical / Legendary Dream Holo Collection'

    Its effect is only active if the prize card you chose was faced down. Xerneas and Yveltal BREAK... YES!
  12. L

    Talonflame BREAK, Captivating Pokepuff Promos!

    Captivating Pokepuff will work great with Buddy-Buddy Rescue, Lass' Recommendation, Lucario , Zoroark, Shiftry, Trevenant BREAK, Mega Audiono EX, and Mega Alakazam EX.
  13. L

    Gastly and Pansear 'Fates Collide' One-Pack Blister Promos

    Regice and Jolteon EX's effects will not be negated, because it doesn't effects you or your hand.
  14. L

    Discussion JirachiXY67 VS Xerosic

    Because that will take your bench space and will be easy prizes.
  15. L

    Pokemon New 'Pokemon GO' Tid-Bits Revealed

    There are no starters, you catch Pokemon using Poke Balls, you don't fight them.
  16. L

    'Mega Mawile-EX Premium Collection' in May!

    Wait, so you can buy this box and get the Fates Collide booster packs before its release?
  17. L

    Blog Alakaboodle - Awakening Of The Psychic King Set Review!

    I don't agree with your opinion on Lass' Recommendation, it draws cards equal to the number of your opponent's Benched Basic Pokemon, so your opponent need to have 4 Basic Pokemon on their Bench for it to be better than Tierno. Why I don't agree is because current meta decks only run 2-4 Basic...
  18. L

    Japan's XY10 Set: 'Awakening of Psychic Kings,' Alakazam!

    Before it was changed its switches the tool on Genesect with a tool in your hand, but now its only gives you the tool on Genesect, which is better because you don't need to have a tool in your hand.
  19. L

    Japan's XY10 Set: 'Awakening of Psychic Kings,' Alakazam!

    Wait, using Rare Candy counts as evolving a Pokemon from your hand?
  20. L

    Japan's XY10 Set: 'Awakening of Psychic Kings,' Alakazam!

    I don't think that is how it works. The Fossil Excavation Kit grabs 2 fossil of the same name, and the fossil's name is followed by the Pokemon it stores. And does no one read the card? It has Dome Fossil in it meaning Kabutops is also in this set, and (I think) that makes this set the first to...