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  1. J

    News Pokemon Tins 50% Off at Target on Black Friday

    is it just tins or anything pokemon related?
  2. J

    Darkrai-EX / Giratina-EX / Garbodor

    I usually get lucky but near the end of the game I have lysanders for the volcanian ex. One game he had a Flareon ex with 9 energy on it and could one shot it, I did and he ran out of energy. So you could use garb I just took it out because 90% of the games I played I never got it fully evoled...
  3. J

    Darkrai-EX / Giratina-EX / Garbodor

    I have been running this deck ever since the new rotation happened and it has gotten me 1st or 2nd place at every tournament I've gone to. I do not fell the need the run garb because I barley ever get it out and it is just a Lysander shot with high retreat (if you don't have float stone attached...
  4. J

    Trevenant BREAK

    I have been looking for a good parted with trevenant break. The one I've been playing is trevenant with mega alakazam. It has been working really well, I went 3-0 at my league. Just wondering if anyone had any another ideas for it. Want to test them before nationals to find the best.