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  1. Joethegreat1


    What do you think about losing? There is a 7 year old at my local league, and whenever he loses (which is often) he throws a huge tantrum(Brat). People tell him that they'll kick him out if he does it anymore, but they never do.... It's only a game, right?
  2. Joethegreat1

    Galactic Conquest

    Who here thinks what the best card in Galactic Conquest. I think it is either Girantina Lv.X (Lost Zone And Spread), Ninetales Lv.43 (Instant power up for Infertran/Magtran), Beautifly (Maximum status effect and Damage), Blastoise Lv.60 (WELL-DIGGING), Ampharos Lv.57 (Damage Bind Rocks!)...
  3. Joethegreat1

    Which is better?

    Which Is Better? Infertran, or Magtran?
  4. Joethegreat1

    Suggestions Please!

    I am getting a majestic Dawn Booster Box, but I do not know what deck to run. I need suggestions of what deck that I should run. Please include as many Majestic Dawn cards possible. (A deck with Glaceon or Leafeon would be nice). Ready, set, GOOOOOO!
  5. Joethegreat1

    Lowest booster box Prices

    I have an enormous question. Where can I find the lowest Majestic Dawn Booster box prices on the net?
  6. Joethegreat1

    Which Box should I get

    I need Help! My brother and I have saved up for a booster box , but we don't know which box we should get! He want's great encounters, but I want Mysterious treasures, Diamond and Pearl, Stormfront, and Legends Awaken. I can't choose, but we can only afford 1! Please Help me! Please tell me...