“Night Wanderer” TCG Set Officially Revealed Featuring Pecharunt ex and The Loyal Three!

I made this account only to comment that I have never seen bigger anti-metadeck card getting printed than that Kyurem. I think we can safely assume that someone designing these cards has fed up losing to lost box
Never seen Drapion?
I made this account only to comment that I have never seen bigger anti-metadeck card getting printed than that Kyurem. I think we can safely assume that someone designing these cards has fed up losing to lost box
It's definitely a hit for the deck but not an unreasonable work around, I think its mostly a nerf to Tina whom will have to re add manaphy then post likely Knockout kyurem with shred. Oof
Four pecharunt too
There was no Peachrunt in Twilight Masquerade.
Also I really like these Pokemon, the Ars are great and the DLC was a great story for a Pokemon game. The set will also include other Pokemon. Don't see why it should be less valuable than any set before.
There was no Peachrunt in Twilight Masquerade.
Also I really like these Pokemon, the Ars are great and the DLC was a great story for a Pokemon game. The set will also include other Pokemon. Don't see why it should be less valuable than any set before.
Because Pokemon TCG's main buying demo is still WOTC boomers.
For a collector, this set has the potential to be absolutely terrible. Steam siege levels
I have to agree here, recent sets are promoting the DLC - most people don't care, the legendaries (beside Ogerpon) are ugly and unimaginative. SV Pokemon design was generally very weak. Collectors are waiting for another retro set.
Good news is, thanks to this facts these sets will be available for a while.
Regidrago VSTAR keeps winning (specifically in Expanded). It now has a solid tri snipe attack from this Kyurem, and since it usually uses Garbotoxin, it isn't gonna care about bench barrier either.
The Stadium really needed some kind of bump protection to justify the inability to recycle it. But I'm interested to see if they'll explore the space of Ace Spec Stadiums further. There seems to be quite a lot of Stadium search lately, yet not much worth searching for.

Pecharunt and the loyal three look fun. I think the actual synergies between them are really fun, and I love the idea of poisoning yourself for an upside. Unfortunately I have a hard time seeing the deck succeed when the attack costs are so high. It looks like a deck that wants to hit the wall running and use Monkidori/Legacy Energy to win the prize trade despite your attackers likely getting KOed each turn. But with Monkidori and Okidogi both needing THREE energy for their main attacks, and no Raihan or Sada's Vitality to lower them up, I think we'll need more than Dark Patch to keep the deck running.

Funnily enough the Kyurem has potential in GLC where many decks run Colress as a draw Supporter. The new Colress Card doesn't seem amazing, but I never underestimate a card that can search a Special Energy.
Every single card in this list is broken.
Could you imagine 4 binding mochi's attached to revavroom ex? Crap, I just realized brute bonnet is obsolete with pecharunt ex now
I don't see how this makes Brute Bonnet obsolete, unless your only goal is to poison 1 of your Darkness type Pokémon and move them to the Active Spot, Brute Bonnet is still better and poisons both Active Pokémon.
if it's bumped once you're never getting it back
Yeah, so you can’t slam it whenever, you have to pair it with disruption.

Also it say a it can’t be put into your deck or hand, but I bet they’ll print a card that puts a card from your discard into your prize cards
Yeah, so you can’t slam it whenever, you have to pair it with disruption.

Also it say a it can’t be put into your deck or hand, but I bet they’ll print a card that puts a card from your discard into your prize cards
Oooh that would be fun. Swap a card in your discard with one of your face down prizes?
Its really hard but if you somehow lead your opponent to use all his stadiums and probably his 1 copy of lost vacuum, you can just play the stadium at the very end of the game and its probably game over

I just realized but what about Stallax using Sidney (I think thats how is called) and Eris to destroy those cards and once you think have get rid of all, play the stadium and is over...
Sidney rotated. That strategy is much more difficult to do without it. You'd need to utilize Luxray V a lot. I wouldn't count on it and wouldn't bank on this stadium sticking, and any deck outside control already has better Ace Specs. Control should stick to Hero Cape, or Survival Cast if they can somehow make a deck on looping it.

As for my thoughts on the cards:

Fezandipiti ex is easily my favorite card out of these on account it is Oricorio GX's return. Really, really like having a more durable draw option to deal with Unfair Stamp better in the format, even with the risk of 2 prizes.

Pecharunt/Okidogi/Munkidori is a deck people will try from this set so far, but it is basically only saved by Dark Patch existing. It's gonna play out like Turbo Roaring Moon ex, but with more setup and no risk against Mist Energy.

Mochi is a great tool for just about any Self-poison deck.

Klawf can now OHKO 220 HP basics with DTE;
Okidogi ex and Conkeldurr both reach 300 damage (Conkeldurr being Brute Bonnet poison, so +50 total)
A Kieran in either Okidogi or Conkeldurr (or Grant for Conkeldurr) can now reach 330 without dedicating and Ace Spec
Walking Wake only gets a use case out of mochi if it doesn't have DTE attached to it.

None of these decks are automatically good because of Mochi (and I am begging for a 70 HP Timburr), but all of them get use out of it for certain.

Kyurem is really baffling design choice especially now that Lost Zone decks have been losing some momentum. Mew VMax warranted hard counters way more and I still don't agree with how they handled that. If this is the type of design they are gonna approach for dealing with certain decks, they need to find better ways of soft countering or even just checking decks.

Amazing card for Regidrago VStar in expanded nonetheless.

Colress2 I really don't know what would go out of its way to play that. Piers saw some light play in Eternatus and Zorobox, and this has an even more specific second card to the special energy.