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Standard Koko Rai (Tapu Koko-GX/Raikou Budget)


Aspiring Trainer
****** Pokémon Trading Card Game Deck List ******

##Pokémon - 11

* 2 Pikachu BKT 48
* 2 Raikou SLG 32
* 4 Tapu Koko-GX GRI 47
* 1 Xurkitree-GX UPR 142
* 2 Raichu BUS 41

##Trainer Cards - 37

* 4 Professor Sycamore BKP 107
* 2 Acerola BUS 112
* 1 Super Rod BKT 149
* 3 Aether Paradise Conservation Area GRI 116
* 2 Nest Ball SUM 123
* 4 Cynthia UPR 119
* 1 Field Blower GRI 125
* 4 Guzma BUS 115
* 4 Max Elixir BKP 102
* 2 Fighting Fury Belt BKP 99
* 4 Super Scoop Up BUS 124
* 2 N FCO 105
* 4 Ultra Ball FCO 113

##Energy - 12

* 12 Lightning Energy XYEnergy 6

Total Cards - 60

****** Deck List Generated by the Pokémon TCG Online www.pokemon.com/TCGO ******

I started creating this deck after our resident meme-master dark integral made a video about koko raichu. I had basically copied the deck and kept modifying it to keep it "relevant." I did this by using Cynthia instead of N and Shauna, and messing with pokemon and their count.
I don't know how I can make this deck preform better without adding really expensive cards like lele. And yes, I know that this deck has an auto-loss to garb because it relies on koko's ability. sorry if this seems unprofessional, this deck hasn't been doing good since UPR came out.
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I LOVE Tapu Koko GX. It's so fun to play with. My personal strategy is to hit damage with Koko and when he gets damaged ultra-ball (or just lay down) another Koko and then Acerola/Super Scoop-Up the damaged Koko - repeat, I call this "The Cycle".. there's been games where I've kept cycling and no one has been able to do anything about it. I've beaten some meaty decks using this strategy, including a lot of the meta. (I love seeing peoples faces when they see me playing this!)

So here's my immediate advice - pick and choose what suits you best:

+ 2 Acerola - vital to Tapu Koko GX's beautiful ability
+ 1 Aether Paradise - to protect Koko's HP - a lot of people hitting for 190 in this format
+ 2 Fighting Fury - to protect Koko's HP - a lot of people hitting for 190 in this format
+ 2 Field Blower - just in case you play Garb. These help a lot. If you happen to play Garb a lot, have 4 FB in total
+ 4 Volkner - I think this is a hidden gem Supporter as it helps electric decks... and no body plays electric. This will be vital for always having electric energy in your hand, plus you'll always be able to grab a Fighting Fury belt for extra HP/Attack if needed, OR if you need to get an Ultra Ball to get a Koko, OR if you need a Field Blower if you're playing Garb. It changes this deck completely.
+ 1 Tapu Koko Promo - great for spreading damage, especially in this format
+ 4 [Baby] Drampa 97/145 Guardians Rising - Ideally, you want to start with this card so that effectively, when you do your first attack you have 2 electric enegry's already on the field, and then play a Koko-GX and boom, you have all the energy you need to get attacking.
+ Total: 16

- 2 Nest Ball - you want to be playing Koko from your hand, you need to do this to use it's ability
- 4 Max Elixir - you want as much energy on the field as possible to take advantage of Koko's ability/cycle. Plus, the Acerola's/Super Scoops take care of any damaged Koko's.
- 3 Sycamore - you don't want to be discarding to much. The Cynthia's and N is enough draw support, especially if you're using Volkner to search out specific cards.

- 2 Pikachu
- 2 Raikou
- 1 Xurkitree-GX
- 2 Raichu
Please don't hate me, but I don't see how these help you at all. They don't provide any strategy really and if anything they'll stop you from drawing into more important cards. I would maybe consider keeping Xurkitree if you love it's GX, but even then I can see it being a little burdensome with having to retreat a Koko, losing the energy with that retreat, etc.
- Total: 16

Let me know what you think! :)
sorry that I didn't see this until a month later
I do agree that baby drampa's energy from the deck is better than raikou's energy from the discard. raikou's energy acceleration was actually why I had 4 sycamore. I never really thought about volkner, but it would work really well. Adding more of what I already have to make the deck more consistent is fine. I did actually have promo koko in a previous version of the deck, but got rid of it for xurkitree. The nest balls were a holdover from back when I had oranguru in the deck (whoops)
I have no idea why you would want me to take out max elixir. you mentioned healing, so are you getting it confused with max potion? the one I'm using is look at top 6 cards in your deck and attach a basic energy to a benched basic pokemon.
I would get rid of xurkitree, but it in my opinion it helps out in a lot of matchups, this includes garb as they often use rainbow energy.
I will definitely add in a lot of these changes once I actually get the cards!

Edit: I was looking at drampa a little bit more, and xurkitree gets a lot worse in this deck when you use drampa instead of raikou.