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Standard Hippopatas/ Guzzlord/Guzzlord GX (Future)


Aspiring Trainer
Deck list:
3x Guzzlord (sm6)
3x Guzzlord gx CRI
3x hipopatas ULP
4x talon flame STS

2x Brigette
4x ninja boy
4x puzzle of time
3x switch
2x devoured field
1x acerola
3x choice band

22 dark energy
4 fighting energy

This would be a self mill deck, load up guzzlord gxs using eat sloppily (attack with gx atack or tyrannical hole if OHKO), ninja boy to guzzlords use atack to mill yourself or knockout opponent. Then if you have less than 3 cards in your deck ninja boy to hippoptas (you could also load one up manually) and hit for 180.
Do you think this has a chance competitively? Tell me any suggestions on how to improve it please. Thx
This is my first thread!!!
I LOVE this!

Not much too change as, their isn't a great way too accelerate dark energy, besides Guzzlord GX.

The only thing is, there is nothing keeping you from decking out, meaning, you have to finish the game in 3 turns.

Love the idea, hope you make it work!
If you don’t think you will win in 3 turns you can just avoid ninja boying and attack with Guzzlord gx (right?)
I think. Could someone make a post in competitive play (I love disscusing the game from a competitive standpoint)
I already have a Guzzlord gx deck on ptcgo just have to wait for sm6
Ah, so I wasn’t the only one thinking of this!
I really like the deck a lot, and it works because of Guzzlord. I really REALLY like this particular list.
Change nothing.