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Expanded The deck that makes everyone hate you. (Trevenant BREAK)

Lord Goomy

Got Goomies?
Pokémon: 15
4-4 Trevenant
3 Trevenant BREAK
1 Necrozma GX
2 Tapu Lele GX

Trainers: 35
3 Sycamore
3 N
2 Wally
1 Teammates
1 Team Flare Grunt
1 Karen
1 Skyla
1 AZ
4 Ultra Ball
4 VS Seeker
4 Enhanced Hammer
3 Bursting Balloons
1 Field Blower
1 Super Rod
1 Master Ball
4 Dimension Valley

Energy: 10
6 Basic Psychic Energy
4 Mystery Energy

Open Spots: 1

Yes, it's your friendly neighborhood Trevenant deck. This one is the one I'm going to take to Dallas Regionals. I hope so, at least.
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The main issue is Zoroark, Zoro gets an easy ohko and provides draw support when locked. In my testing against trev with a zoroark build I just destroy it. Not sure if it’s the best play for Dallas. Also ou want to run Lele or Jirachi to get a T1 Trev with Wally. Lastly, you have 12 Pokemon and 37 trainers. Not 13 and 41. So you have one spot left (unless I miscounted)
I also run Zoroark (Honchkrow too) and I can attest that it wrecks Trevenant.

Just out of curiosity, what's Necrozma's role in the deck?
I also run Zoroark (Honchkrow too) and I can attest that it wrecks Trevenant.

Just out of curiosity, what's Necrozma's role in the deck?
You put it down as a surprise then come in and Black Ray GX, and after being softened by Silent Fear for a few turns, should hopefully clean up your opponents GXs and EXs.
Uuuh. No Lele, Jirachi, Shaymin, or 4 E Hammer. The list one of the Schulz bros posted was super solid and beats Zoroark, I highly suggest you reference that list if you don't want to lose to Zoroark, which I can personally tell you that most Texas players are bringing to the event. If you want the list, the one I posted in the deck garage a couple weeks ago is 1 card off.
Master Ball is terrible. If you want to compete in Expanded and want to pkay Trevenant, you need Computer Search. Also as Gumball said you need Lele/Jchi, Shaymin and you really want 4 Enhanced Hammer.
You put it down as a surprise then come in and Black Ray GX, and after being softened by Silent Fear for a few turns, should hopefully clean up your opponents GXs and EXs.
Uuuh. No Lele, Jirachi, Shaymin, or 4 E Hammer. The list one of the Schulz bros posted was super solid and beats Zoroark, I highly suggest you reference that list if you don't want to lose to Zoroark, which I can personally tell you that most Texas players are bringing to the event. If you want the list, the one I posted in the deck garage a couple weeks ago is 1 card off.

This is primarily why I was questioning Necrozma. I'm no TCG expert, but I had a gut feeling there were other, more consistent choices especially in the absence of energy retrieval.
And I thought I was going to be the only one running Master Ball.

I'm going to get this out of the way: I hate Trevenant. I love control decks, but I HATE running Trevenant. It is the 'functioning alcoholic' of control decks. It can do as good a job for as many problems it brings. It's not the most consistent thing out there. I have been playtesting the 'Broken Trees' version since the beginning of January. I don't see it. Maybe I keep getting Trev hands. But it's consistncy is a HUGE issue for me. Not just this version, but even the 'Broken Trees' version. Thing is, if you make a Trev deck TOO consistent, you aren't running enough disruption to close games. Make it too disruptiuve, and you'll never get Trev to even get the game started. It walks this fine tightrope on the back of Hopes & Dreams that you don't brick.

You need Jirachi, you need Lele's. Check out Gumball's or 'Broken Trev' and that is going to be 95% the list you should be running. Of all the Trev variants I have seen in competitive circles, there's about up to 3 cards you CAN swap around for different stuff....more disruption/more consistency. John Kettler has been working with Trevenant recently and has a couple interesting variants. Jimmy Pendarvis, I believe, has an article with his spin on it too. of those variants and Broken Trees, I think 'Broken' is probably the more well rounded deck.

But 'Broken Trees' should be your absolute baseline and work from there.

I like the idea of Master Ball here, but Computer Search works better a another out to Wally T1.
And I thought I was going to be the only one running Master Ball.

I'm going to get this out of the way: I hate Trevenant. I love control decks, but I HATE running Trevenant. It is the 'functioning alcoholic' of control decks. It can do as good a job for as many problems it brings. It's not the most consistent thing out there. I have been playtesting the 'Broken Trees' version since the beginning of January. I don't see it. Maybe I keep getting Trev hands. But it's consistncy is a HUGE issue for me. Not just this version, but even the 'Broken Trees' version. Thing is, if you make a Trev deck TOO consistent, you aren't running enough disruption to close games. Make it too disruptiuve, and you'll never get Trev to even get the game started. It walks this fine tightrope on the back of Hopes & Dreams that you don't brick.

You need Jirachi, you need Lele's. Check out Gumball's or 'Broken Trev' and that is going to be 95% the list you should be running. Of all the Trev variants I have seen in competitive circles, there's about up to 3 cards you CAN swap around for different stuff....more disruption/more consistency. John Kettler has been working with Trevenant recently and has a couple interesting variants. Jimmy Pendarvis, I believe, has an article with his spin on it too. of those variants and Broken Trees, I think 'Broken' is probably the more well rounded deck.

But 'Broken Trees' should be your absolute baseline and work from there.

I like the idea of Master Ball here, but Computer Search works better a another out to Wally T1.
The people in my test group who came up with Trev that playtest with Kettler from time to time that came up with the list we play with is an "improved" list that Kettler posted. I haven't seen the list, but I'm told the only change was dropping 4 Crushing Hammers for 4 E Hammers
The people in my test group who came up with Trev that playtest with Kettler from time to time that came up with the list we play with is an "improved" list that Kettler posted. I haven't seen the list, but I'm told the only change was dropping 4 Crushing Hammers for 4 E Hammers

I thought that he was already running a bunch of E Hammers.

I know Kettler posted a video of a Trev variant at the beginning of January and it had a wider array of supporter energy removal.

He posted a video last night of a newer-ish variant. It looks like he’s cut some E Hammers and some of the supporter energy removal he had in his last version and added, what looks like, 4 Crushing Hammer.

That said, it looks like it disrupts better, but still has consistency issues. At least, consistency issues that make me terribly uncomfortable running it.
I see all your issues. I see no way to hit a grey area on @Merovingian’s consistency/disruption debate, but I do have a think for Zoroark and an explanation for the absence of Lele.

First and foremost:
I believe that @jessalakasam is right. I do have one space left. Keep such in mind.

The reason I have no Lele:
Bench space. We need to have no Lele on the bench so that I can't be Guzma'd out of Item Lock. I'm on a 50/50 to put it back in or not. Please help me with that decision.

My Counter to Zoroark:
Zoroark decks play 4 DCE, right? So I should play 4 Enhanced Hammers, but I don't know what to replace. Also, I was thinking about putting in 1 Battle Reporter to keep myself supplied for its trademark extreme hand sizes. I have one spot left. So far, our options go: Lele vs Battle Reporter vs Enhanced Hammer.

@Attix: the primary reason for my copy of Necrozma GX is definately for Black Ray GX. After that, however, Prismatic Burst helps with a KO if I've Silent Fear'd a whole lot. Remember, I can use Prismatic Burst for 2 energy.

@gumball51321: You said what about dropping the Crushings for the Enhanceds? That might not be a bad idea. If it really really works, please let me know.

So, the main questions I need advice for:
1 What goes in the free spot?
2 Is it a good idea to trade Enhanceds for the Crushings?
2 1/2 If I do decide to exchange the Crushings in my list for Enhanceds, what goes in my slot where my 2 Enhanceds were?
3 Where does Lele go? Only one, due to bench constraints.

Please help! Our time to Dallas is ticking!
2 weeks is a long time to playtest 1 deck, you're good. Honestly, getting Guzma'd out of item lock means that they don't KO your Trevenant, giving you more time to set up more Trevenants. Without it, you're giving your opponent a turn to play items, exactly what happens when you get Guzma'd. Except that items are for more important on your first turn when setting up. If you play no Lele or Jirachi, why even play Wally? Also, don't bother with Battle Reporter. You'd much rather N them out of a giant hand than getting one yourself. Zoroark benefits from bugs hands because of Puzzles, Pokemon, and low Supporter/Energy counts. That 3rd point is exactly why the deck hates N and E Hammer combos. Trev should play Rescue Scarf over Balloons for a couple important reasons. Playing only 3 Balloon with no recovery basically disables you if your opponent Guzmas. Even if it's for another Trevenant, if they KO with no repercussions other than 1 Trevenant in the active and nothing else, then they can just grind for the knockout and win the game right there. As narcissistic as this makes me sound, I think the best course of action is to play my "brokentrev" list and try to master playing with it. At least 57 of my same 60. You could drop 1 Lele for a Shaymin. Or 2 Lele for a Shaymin and another Jirachi. And if you have no Comp. Search, play Master Ball and drop a Flare Grunt for a 3rd Wally.
2 weeks is a long time to playtest 1 deck, you're good. Honestly, getting Guzma'd out of item lock means that they don't KO your Trevenant, giving you more time to set up more Trevenants. Without it, you're giving your opponent a turn to play items, exactly what happens when you get Guzma'd. Except that items are for more important on your first turn when setting up. If you play no Lele or Jirachi, why even play Wally? Also, don't bother with Battle Reporter. You'd much rather N them out of a giant hand than getting one yourself. Zoroark benefits from bugs hands because of Puzzles, Pokemon, and low Supporter/Energy counts. That 3rd point is exactly why the deck hates N and E Hammer combos. Trev should play Rescue Scarf over Balloons for a couple important reasons. Playing only 3 Balloon with no recovery basically disables you if your opponent Guzmas. Even if it's for another Trevenant, if they KO with no repercussions other than 1 Trevenant in the active and nothing else, then they can just grind for the knockout and win the game right there. As narcissistic as this makes me sound, I think the best course of action is to play my "brokentrev" list and try to master playing with it. At least 57 of my same 60. You could drop 1 Lele for a Shaymin. Or 2 Lele for a Shaymin and another Jirachi. And if you have no Comp. Search, play Master Ball and drop a Flare Grunt for a 3rd Wally.
You’re saying..?
We still have some questions unanswered.
Will a Lele go in the free space?
Should I switch my Crushing Hammers with Enhanced ones?
If I do, where to my two spots dedicated to the Enhanced Hammers go?

These are my burining questions that I need answered ASAP! Pretty please?
The lists typically run 2 Lele 1 Jirachi.

As for Hammers. Go with Enhanced. If you find rdo I’m for Crushing, go for it.
Alright. So, my list should:
Swap in Enhanced Hammers
Put Lele in the Free Space
Also put a Lele in where the Crushing Hammers were
Now I’ve got another free space where the Crushing Hammers were.