• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

    When posting in a thread, be sure to explain all your suggestions thoroughly. Additionally, do not ask for advice in another member's thread.

Standard Chomping Lucario-Rock


Poke'Master Jedi Nadd
OK, i've been playing around on TCGO with different tournament worthy decks in combinations of cards that I actually own in real life and out of them all so far this is been the most successful and fun. I know it is a bit scattered so any constructive criticism and is more than welcome :) Keep in mind I know just one Golem EX and one Regirock EX almost seem silly but so far out of the five matches played they both played crucial parts helping me win...

* 4 Gible BPT
* 2 Gabite BPT
* 4 Garchomp BPT
* 2 Lucario EX FFI
* 1 Golem EX GEN
* 1 Regirock EX FAC
* 2 Shaymin EX ROS
* 2 Professor Sycamore
* 2 Lysandre
* 1 Pokemon Fan Club
* 1 Teammates
* 1 Skyla
* 2 Korrina
* 3 Ultra Ball
* 3 VS Seeker
* 1 Level Ball
* 1 Battle Compressor
* 2 Rare Candy
* 3 Max Elixir
* 1 Super Rod
* 1 Switch
* 2 Trainers Mail
* 1 Fighting Stadium
* 1 Scorched Earth
* 3 Focus Sash
Energy: - 13
* 4 Strong Energy
* 9 Fighting Energy
I too run a Garchomp deck; so, following are a few thoughts for your consideration:
  • Fighting decks, Garchomp in particular, can leverage a variety of 1-energy attacking Pokemon such as Hawlucha (FFI), Lucario EX, and Zygarde EX. Excluding Hawlucha, all of these aforementioned Pokémon also have good second and/or third attacks too.
  • These Pokémon can start attacking with only 1 energy attachment (while 'Chomp(s) are being built on the bench), thus apply pressure on your opponent immediately.
  • A T1 Item-lock is very real in tournament play; so, should your opponent manages to Item-lock you, your setup will be impeded.
  • Running multiple Shaymin EXs can be both "very good", as well as "high risk" should you not be able to remove them from the board (near middle - end game). Running an AZ or Cassius can mitigate this risk. Further, Shaymin EX's Setup can be nullified with either Hex Maniac, Silent Lab and/or Wobbuffet's Bide Barricade Ability.
Following are some suggested deck changes for improvement, IMO:

-1 Golem EX - easy for an opponent to Lysandre and stall since it has a CCC Retreat Cost and requires 3+ energy before it can attack
-1 Shaymin EX - 1 in quite sufficient
-1 Teammates - not critical
-1 Skyla - Korrina covers a lot of this Supporter's capability; so, not critical
-1 Battle Compressor - a "1-of" does not provide a high enough chance of drawing into this Item T1/T2 when it is most effective

+1 AZ - for Pokémon recovery and reuse (e.g., Shaymin EX)
+1 Hex Maniac - to cancel Abilities (e.g., Item lock) when needed
+1 Korrina - additional F Pokemon and item seach capability
+1 N / Professore Sycamore - more card-draw support and opponent's hand disruption
+1 VS Seeker - should be maxed-out for maximum flexibility

Since no game/deck strategy was provided, I suspect your plan is to "thin-out" your deck at the beggining of the game (if you are not Item-locked) and perhaps get a big EX loaded with enough energy (assuming you do not whiff on your Max Elixir...) to start attacking T1/T2. At this same time, you start to also build up your benched Garchomp(s). Your initial attacker may take a prize or 2 and gets KOd. Then you start attacking with a 'Chomp... IMO, this is a solid strategy. Should you encounter more players Item-locking you, then consider also replacing the 3 Max Elixir with:

+1 Hawlucha
+1 Fighting Stadium
+1 N

I hope you find these comments helpful.
I ran a Garchomp/Lucario and I'm switching Lucario out for Zygarde/Power Memory. Garchomp + Focus Sash decimates EX's, but his biggest drawback is he cannot OHKO a big non-EX for any damage, Greninja Break + Rough Seas is impossible to beat. Lucario didn't help with that problem since he can't OHKO anything either, but Zygarde can, and I think that will solve the big non-EX problem. For the same reason I do not like Hawlucha in the deck, you already have a non-EX with free retreat with cheap attacks that kills EX's in Garchomp, why have Hawlucha do the same thing but worse?
I too run a Garchomp deck; so, following are a few thoughts for your consideration:
  • Fighting decks, Garchomp in particular, can leverage a variety of 1-energy attacking Pokemon such as Hawlucha (FFI), Lucario EX, and Zygarde EX. Excluding Hawlucha, all of these aforementioned Pokémon also have good second and/or third attacks too.
  • These Pokémon can start attacking with only 1 energy attachment (while 'Chomp(s) are being built on the bench), thus apply pressure on your opponent immediately.
  • A T1 Item-lock is very real in tournament play; so, should your opponent manages to Item-lock you, your setup will be impeded.
  • Running multiple Shaymin EXs can be both "very good", as well as "high risk" should you not be able to remove them from the board (near middle - end game). Running an AZ or Cassius can mitigate this risk. Further, Shaymin EX's Setup can be nullified with either Hex Maniac, Silent Lab and/or Wobbuffet's Bide Barricade Ability.
Following are some suggested deck changes for improvement, IMO:

-1 Golem EX - easy for an opponent to Lysandre and stall since it has a CCC Retreat Cost and requires 3+ energy before it can attack
-1 Shaymin EX - 1 in quite sufficient
-1 Teammates - not critical
-1 Skyla - Korrina covers a lot of this Supporter's capability; so, not critical
-1 Battle Compressor - a "1-of" does not provide a high enough chance of drawing into this Item T1/T2 when it is most effective

+1 AZ - for Pokémon recovery and reuse (e.g., Shaymin EX)
+1 Hex Maniac - to cancel Abilities (e.g., Item lock) when needed
+1 Korrina - additional F Pokemon and item seach capability
+1 N / Professore Sycamore - more card-draw support and opponent's hand disruption
+1 VS Seeker - should be maxed-out for maximum flexibility

Since no game/deck strategy was provided, I suspect your plan is to "thin-out" your deck at the beggining of the game (if you are not Item-locked) and perhaps get a big EX loaded with enough energy (assuming you do not whiff on your Max Elixir...) to start attacking T1/T2. At this same time, you start to also build up your benched Garchomp(s). Your initial attacker may take a prize or 2 and gets KOd. Then you start attacking with a 'Chomp... IMO, this is a solid strategy. Should you encounter more players Item-locking you, then consider also replacing the 3 Max Elixir with:

+1 Hawlucha
+1 Fighting Stadium
+1 N

I hope you find these comments helpful.
Ok so I made those changes and though I find myself missing Teamates it was running smooth. I also just realized that I only have three Garchomp, so I may do -
1 Gible
-1 Garchomp
+1 Teamates
+1 Hawlucha FFI