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Standard M Manectric EX / Aegislash EX


Aspiring Trainer
Pokémon: 13
  • 4 Manectric EX
  • 3 M-Manectric EX
  • 3 Aegislash EX
  • 2 Shaymin EX
  • 1 Heatran
Trainers/Supports/Stadiums: 34
  • 4 Proffessor Sycamore
  • 3 Proffessor Birch's Observation
  • 2 Lysandre
  • 1 Hex Maniac
  • 1 AZ
  • 1 Ace Trainer
  • 4 VS Seeker
  • 4 Ultra Ball
  • 3 Trainers Mail
  • 3 Manectric Spirit Link
  • 2 Muscle Band
  • 2 Switch
  • 1 Professor's Letter
  • 2 Shrine of Memories
  • 1 Rough Seas
Energies: 13
  • 8 Metal Energy
  • 5 Lightning Energy

Here is my list.. Thoughs?
I was using zapdos instead of heatran. It hits for 120 and 40 to ur bench for 3 energy. I think. But with rough seas it's no problem. It also adds a different weakness to the deck and still 1 shots regice.
First let me say I like your use of Shrine of Memories. Quite an underrated card.

Anyways, may I suggest using Acro Bike over Trainers Mail? It'll help with putting Energy in the Discard Pile for Manectric to accelerate. However if you don't have problems with that as you are, then that's fine. I'm just going by preference.

Other than that, I'd say you have quite a solid deck.
I was using zapdos instead of heatran. It hits for 120 and 40 to ur bench for 3 energy. I think. But with rough seas it's no problem. It also adds a different weakness to the deck and still 1 shots regice.

He's using Heatran because M.Manectric already does the job of what Zapdos is trying to cover for hitting for lightning weakness. By doing so, he's providing more coverage against other decks like Vespiquen.
Isn't that what aegislash is doing? It's also metal. And with mighty shield, it can destroy vespiquen.
The only thing heatran really provides is a 10 more hp and a large retreat cost and more energy requirement for only 10 more damage but requires an energy discard.
Zapdos on the other hand has a single energy attack incase you start with it. A different weakness and a fighting resist. Only 2 retreat cost. For the same 3 energy requirement it hits for 40 damage more. So you only need to turbo bolt and drop an energy. Rather than having to turbo bolt twice or drop 2.
Steel drop can't even 1 shot 90 hp pokemon without a muscle band.