Recent content by Xatian

  1. Xatian

    Discussion Mega Scizor EX

    Scizor isn't really a competition to volc at all. I mean yeah money is a thing and volcanion isn't what I would call cheap. But it's gonna be your best bet
  2. Xatian

    Discussion Mega Scizor EX

    Play volcanion and win?
  3. Xatian

    SM5+ 'Ultra Force' Releasing in January!

    In expanded, I can see this being a rediculous stall deck. Just use dimension valley, and keep using that second attack with a lot of milling card and energy denial
  4. Xatian

    Standard Plusle/Minun Evolution Manipulation Deck

    I know this deck is not something seen in the meta, as the cards in it are very often seen as trash, but so far I have seen a lot of success with it, especially in the current meta. I'll start with the list then go into card choice and more details. The list: Pokémon (13): Plusle SHL x4 Minun...