Recent content by Ty W

  1. T

    The Scrub's Excuse. Glace's 1-3 to fail ZekEelsTerra Nats Report.

    In my defense, that was only the second supporter that I had played the entire game, so I had 10 left in my deck plus 2 random receivers. I drew absolutely awful the entire game, so I don't think you can say that I was "lucky", and I am offended.
  2. T

    Thanks everyone!

    Thanks everyone!
  3. T

    HenryP's 2011-2012 Cities! 21 down. Done for the season.

    RE: HenryP's 2011-2012 Cities! 19 down 4 to go! It's fixed now. Good job at the marathons.
  4. T

    EelZone: The deck to beat?

    I have to disagree with just about everyone here. EelZone is definitely not a very hard deck to beat. Six corners absolutely destroys it. EelZone needs to get 6 3-energy lost burns to beat it, which is impossible because of catcher/terakkion, and six corners is becoming extremely popular now (at...
  5. T

    What Decks Will Win Cities/Cities Discussion

    There's no need for goth to be fast, and it doesn't matter if you get outsped. If they have one prize left when you get set up, you still win with goth.
  6. T

    What Decks Will Win Cities/Cities Discussion

    Mr. Tea, you couldn't be more wrong. As Celebi said, Reshiphlosion auto-loses to Goth. Reshi can't get it early so Goth has unlimited time to set up, and when it sets up, it takes 6 straight prizes as Reshi has no way to take a prize.
  7. T

    Concern with the Direction of the Game Thus Far (Again...)

    Instead of complaining about things like this, use them to your advantage. Look at the lists on the internet, and memorize them. If you play against a mediocre player who you think took their list off of the internet, then you know their counts. You also know that they are going to go with the...
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    Rikko, those military tactics are used to save lives. Stalling is a frowned upon way to win in a children's card game. Big difference. Just play the game the way that it's meant to be played people.
  9. T

    What Will Win Battle Roads Thread

    Mewbox definitely does not have a bad stage 1s matchup.
  10. T

    What Will Win Battle Roads Thread

    I know that everyone will disagree with this, but I think that KYJ with zoroark should be considered tier 1. The only thing that it doesn't have a good matchup against is zpst, but I beat a zpst in top 2 today, so the macthup is winnable.
  11. T

    Lack of Drawpower

    Worlds is definitely a much harder tournament than nats. At nats you are pretty much guaranteed to play a few rounds against amateur or worse players, which puts you at 3/4-0, meaning that you can go about 3-3 against top players and still make cut. At worlds you play against top players all 7...
  12. T

    DOX's PreWorlds Article Extravaganza: Article Four - Kingdra/Yanmega/Jirachi

    At nats my Pokemon were 4-4 Yanmega, 3-1-3 Kingdra, 3 Jirachi, 1 cleffa. At worlds they were 4-3 Yanmega, 3-1-3 Kingdra, 2-2 Zoroark, 2 Jirachi and 1 Cleffa. I don't think a heavy Kingdra line in necessary because you really never need more than one, but a second is always nice. I think that...
  13. T

    Top 4 Decks to Test Against to Prepare for BRs

    Because every turn you have so many options and so many things to do.
  14. T

    DOX's PreWorlds Article Extravaganza: Article Four - Kingdra/Yanmega/Jirachi

    At nats my energies were 5 psychic and 3 dce, and at worlds my energies were 2 psyich 2 rainbow and 4 dce. Imo those are the best energy options.
  15. T

    Top 4 Decks to Test Against to Prepare for BRs

    Reshiphlosion takes skill if you truly know what you're doing (I know that contradicts itself, but it's the truth.) Kingdra Yanmega Jirachi is the hardest deck in the format to play. Trust me, I probably have more experience with it than anyone else on this forum.