Recent content by The ViD

  1. The ViD

    Would you rather?

    What's your question? I choose blank would you rather go to school or pokemon tournaments?
  2. The ViD

    Finished Pokebeach's Vending Machine Game~KEEP IT TO COINS ONLY & PG items! Let's get 5k posts

    RE: Pokebeach's Vending Machine Game (It's back & KEEP IT TO COINS ONLY!) You get your coins back... Inserts a giant coin! Urgh... *ding*
  3. The ViD

    Game - The Person Above me

    ^correct about the n00b part, wrong about the liar part < I am a liar v is a nice person.
  4. The ViD

    Finished WORD GAME!!! WORD

    RE: WORD GAME!! WORD lovers...
  5. The ViD

    Game - The Person Above me

    ^ correct, I'm amazing < Future Admin V Future banned member
  6. The ViD

    Game - The Person Above me

    ^ Flygon Addict < Freaky V Is putting make-up on HER face the moment SHE writes the post... hahaha... just kidding!
  7. The ViD

    Finished The Chain Game (You-person-person-you)

    RE: The Chain Game Natu...
  8. The ViD

    Finished WORD GAME!!! WORD

    RE: WORD GAME!! WORD Cleavers
  9. The ViD

    Liar Liar Pants on FIRE

    Pokemon sucks!?
  10. The ViD

    Game - The Person Above me

    ^ Right < confused V probably wears bikini!
  11. The ViD

    n00b notice game (it's back!)

    You're a n00b if you are too avatar-conscious!
  12. The ViD

    Finished Tic-Tac-Toe

    You're right! I'll start another one! |_|_|_| |_|_|_| |_|_|O|
  13. The ViD

    Finished Tic-Tac-Toe

    |X|_|_| |_|O|_| |_|_|O|
  14. The ViD

    Finished The Chain Game (You-person-person-you)

    RE: The Chain Game Naruto (he's officially a POKEMON now) just Kidding! Nidoran (male) Last letter is "N", not "E"