Recent content by mrrandom350

  1. mrrandom350

    XY Trainer Customization - What Items / Clothing Do You Want to See?

    RE: Pokemon X/Y: Trainer Outifits I want it so that when you beat the game you can get the outfits from all the other games.
  2. mrrandom350

    Pokemon If you were one of the 18 Pokémon types, what type would you be?

    Water/Flying because then I could be a flying fire fighter.
  3. mrrandom350

    Super Smash Bros. 3DS/Wii U

    But I mean what pokemon will make it in the cut? I really liked what they did with the pokemon trainer in the last game but I want then to do it with Gen 6. [hr] To be honest I would really like to see the TMNTs in SSB4 that would be great
  4. mrrandom350

    Introduce Yourself!

    Hi guys Im Mason!!!!
  5. mrrandom350

    (1) 'CoroCoro' Leaking! [9/11]

    Im ready for my fire psychic starter!!!!