Recent content by Manaphii

  1. Manaphii

    Rate my (Fake) Shaymin Sky Form.

    I think the Shaymin ones look really nice!
  2. Manaphii

    My art.

    Awesome Lucario picture you got there. ^-^
  3. Manaphii

    Pokemon Pokemon Handmade Pot

    Very well done! I suck at clay work, but this looks awesome. To bad about the break thing. It still looks nice.
  4. Manaphii

    Pokemon Biggest Raichu Collection in the World!

    I... I... *faints* Raichu is indeed a great Pokemon. I like Manaphy. Might collect her one day. ^-^
  5. Manaphii

    Pokemon U.S.A and Japan keeping us in the dark!?

    I wish to sign this petition, as we have barely any event in Australia. Atleast near the part I live, anyway. Name: Kawaii. Country: Australia.
  6. Manaphii

    Pokemon Problem

    Ahhh, you do indeed have a problem. But I believe Crypt has solved it. ^-^
  7. Manaphii

    Pokemon G/S Remakes?

    I would love remakes of Gold and Silver, and I do not doubt that they will remake them. It's a great idea. However, I have seen many boxart fakes like this, so I disagree that it is real. Read the article on Bulbapedia about Johto remakes.
  8. Manaphii

    Pokemon Official Coolest & Favorite Pokemon Thread

    Mew is best because his bubble is blue. ^-^
  9. Manaphii

    Pokemon Official Coolest & Favorite Pokemon Thread

    Blue Pokemon! ^-^ But my favourites are Manaphy, Glaceon and Lucario.
  10. Manaphii

    (1) POP 6 Manaphy Holo [7/2]

    Manaphy? Where!? But I must say, I've never heard of a POP promo card. I have a holo Manaphy card that I got off a friend, but it's a side one {you know, the Lucario and Manaphy twin set?}. I so want the Diamond and Pearl one.
  11. Manaphii

    (1) Burger King Promos [7/6]

    Excuse me, but do they have this in Australia? Because the last I heard, Burger King formed into Hungry Jacks here...? If it is here, I want the Manaphy card and holder even if they are cheap!