Recent content by Ice_Master

  1. Ice_Master

    Hope you are doing well, old friend.

    Hope you are doing well, old friend.
  2. Ice_Master

    Wi-Fi Trades Doc's One Stop Trade Shop - All the Pokémon You Need **Updated 4-21-16**

    RE: Dr.Mario's My Player Thread My IGN is Will. FC: 0919-9976-4203 One timid, 5 IV Larvesta for 7 rare candies. I'm ready right now if you are.
  3. Ice_Master

    Wi-Fi Trades Doc's One Stop Trade Shop - All the Pokémon You Need **Updated 4-21-16**

    RE: Dr.Mario's My Player Thread Awesome! I'll be able to trade starting at 5-6pm sever time today, see ya then!
  4. Ice_Master

    Wi-Fi Trades Doc's One Stop Trade Shop - All the Pokémon You Need **Updated 4-21-16**

    RE: Dr.Mario's My Player Thread Hey, I know you're getting rare candies left and right, but could you use 7 more? I'm looking for a timid Larvesta and you seem to have a great one. Interested?
  5. Ice_Master

    Wi-Fi Trades Doc's One Stop Trade Shop - All the Pokémon You Need **Updated 4-21-16**

    RE: Dr.Mario's My Player Thread Yes sir. FC: 0919-9976-4203 Edit: Thanks for the trade Dr!
  6. Ice_Master

    Wi-Fi Trades Doc's One Stop Trade Shop - All the Pokémon You Need **Updated 4-21-16**

    RE: Dr.Mario's My Player Thread How about 7 rare candies for the 5 IV HA, Modest Bulbasaur?
  7. Ice_Master

    Wi-Fi Trades Doc's One Stop Trade Shop - All the Pokémon You Need **Updated 4-21-16**

    RE: Dr.Mario's My Player Thread **Updated 1/16/14** I am really interested in the 5 IV Togepi, Shellder and Bulbasaur. I have a Shiny Delibird/Alakazam to offer.
  8. Ice_Master

    Wi-Fi Trades Ice_Master's Trading Thread - IV/EV Pokemon and Shinies for trade

    Friend Code: 0919-9976-4203 Time Zone: Eastern Time Times Available Weekdays: 5:30pm - 12:00am Weekends: All Day (can change) Shinies For Trade [spoiler] [spoiler] Services Offered: Wants: - - -
  9. Ice_Master

    Hey guys, I know I don't get on a lot anymore and that sucks due to college and things. However...

    Hey guys, I know I don't get on a lot anymore and that sucks due to college and things. However, my brother is an avid X/Y player so I'll be letting him use my profile to do business. I may be on to trade and things later, but it's bye for now! ~ Ice M.
  10. Ice_Master

    (1) 'CoroCoro' Leaking! [9/11]

    I kinda feel like the stick does serve a purpose, but opposed to a sword it would make a lot of sense if it were a staff.
  11. Ice_Master

    XY What Cool New Pokémon / Evolution Do You Want to See in the 6th Generation?

    RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation? I would love to see some great Ice types this time. In my opinion, Gen5 did not deliver at all in that department. It was able to produce some okay Ice Pokemon, but I think Gen4 did a much better job. As mentioned I would love...
  12. Ice_Master

    Things are going very good, thank you! How about yourself?

    Things are going very good, thank you! How about yourself?
  13. Ice_Master

    Boddy, Yeah, I decided to come back and see what all was going on. :D

    Boddy, Yeah, I decided to come back and see what all was going on. :D
  14. Ice_Master

    (1) Keldeo Distribution at Gamestop from August 27th to October 6th [8/4]

    The town next to ours finally got a Gamestop and I can't wait to try this out. Before the new one the nearest Gamestop was 2+ hours away.
  15. Ice_Master

    Emperor_Gaius, Im doing ok. Being another year into high school is very demanding. More Work...

    Emperor_Gaius, Im doing ok. Being another year into high school is very demanding. More Work, More responsibility, ect.