Recent content by darkrai master777

  1. darkrai master777

    What they should've (or shouldn't have) made..

    Same goes for Gallade... Gardevoir got her own Lv.X, why not a regular Gallade?
  2. darkrai master777


    RE: bigpokex A little slow, but good nevertheless. +1
  3. darkrai master777


    The card came well-protected. I don't think it would have mattered, though, because it wasn't in very good shape. It had a LOT of scratches, it was dented in a few places, and it was rough around the edges. I'm partially at fault here for not asking about the card's condition, but he shouldn't...
  4. darkrai master777

    (1) Sneasel from 'Neo Genesis' To Be Reprinted in 'Revived Legends' [2/5]

    YES! The most broken card of the neo format is coming back! This is great news! EDIT: even though it's weaker, it's still better than any of the other sneasels legally used.
  5. darkrai master777

    darkrai master777's card center (HAS SHINY GYARADOS!!!)

    And the Donphan prime goes to... *drumroll* YourP1MP!!! Sorry to those of you vying for it; Your offers didn't compare. As to those who wanted the red Gyarados, you didn't have what I was looking for. Sorry.
  6. darkrai master777


    I sent valuable items over a month ago, but he never sent his end. -1
  7. darkrai master777

    Professor Program

    To answer your questions: You have to be a registered member of the TCG, and 18 years of age. You should study the official rules, until you have a firm grasp on them, in order to be ready to take the test. The only penalties you will receive for failing the test, is waiting two weeks ( a month...
  8. darkrai master777

    The Dispute Thread - Check Traders, Report Suspicious Activity, Rippers, & Reputation

    I'd like to report Heatran1991, even though he's been banned. I sent out my trades to him at the beginning of the month, fully paid for, and via express. When I hadn't received a ref in a weeks time, I PMed him. He told me that he never got the cards, but I find that difficult to believe. I...
  9. darkrai master777

    alph lithograph and about it

    It lets you look at your opponent's hand. It's handy with SF Gengar.
  10. darkrai master777

    Finished New game- Are YOU popular? (Updated first post with new forum positions) (You-person-person-you)

    Strategist. You still hate pink? I hate to tell you this, but... Espeon is...
  11. darkrai master777

    alph lithograph and about it

    You beat me. I couldn't pull a legend to save my life. I did, however, managed to get a 4-1 record. Ah, but I digress... We should go back to the topic at hand.
  12. darkrai master777

    alph lithograph and about it

    Well, I'll just have to get trade it off for something I can use, and get it back when the set (eventually) rotates out. I never liked shiny Gyarados anyway. I always wanted a... SHINY MAGIKARP!!! That thing is win on so many levels.
  13. darkrai master777

    alph lithograph and about it

    I believe that makes it even rarer than Alph Lithograph, seeing the ratios are 1 per 3 for alph, and 1 per 5 for Gyarados. Too bad that it's a piece of junk in the format. :(