Recent content by Blinh

  1. Blinh

    News Japan's SM3 Sets for the 20th Movie Feature Ho-Oh and Necrozma!

    I couldn't help but notice that it seem to miss certain cards. I was hoping to see, such as the diancie, though it might end up in the SM3 legendary thing. This could've helped evolution decks quite a bit.
  2. Blinh

    Standard Garchomp (Devour EX Decks)

    It seems like a pretty interesting deck to play. I've been thinking about playing this as well (A real deck), after all, I'm a huge fan of strong non-ex decks. Although getting the rare candy out isn't easy without korrina in the format. Perhaps using something like trainers mail could help...
  3. Blinh

    Standard M Gardevoir EX / Xerneas / Aromatisse

    Hello Ladies and Gentlemen, Or Fellow pokemon lovers / fans I'm currently playing with my M Gardevoir deck for competetive play, but I already want to prepare myself for the next rotation. So first of all what do you expect to go out. I personally think that they will leave everything before...