SM5+ 'Ultra Force' Releasing in January!

It's nice that they are doing this for magnezone so both electric and metal decks can use the ability, but I don't like them doing them for abomasnow and empoleon and others. It just seems kind of lazy and just another way to make a buck for pokemon.
The least they could do for type swaps here is to at least change the artwork. I don't care if the same artist would do it as long as that Pokemon is in a different pose.
Huh... this type change is actually a nice boost to viability.
Unfortunately, that 130HP is likely unsalvageable.
  • Fighting Infernape - Same ability that adjust Burn dmg., Accessible to Strong Energy, can be paired by Buzzwole (1-2 of these if you plan to build this deck), not accessible to Brooklet Hill. Too bad. 3 Geodudes. Oops. 2-3 Geodudes, 130 HP is a big downside,and it's weak to Garbodor.
So who's looking forward to the Torterra that's weak to the other Torterra? I really hope that the majority of the set isn't just type change mirrors of Set Five. If they are I hope we start seeing alter typed Ultra Beasts.

Grass Kartana, Fighting Nihilego, Grass Buzzwole, Fighting Phemosa, Ect.
Unfortunately a Stage 2 with this limited function is bad. Especially when this is the only [F] type that can inflict burn
Not as good as the alt type Magnezone, but neat. Burn just isn't as widespread as it would need to be to make this worth it, at least in standard. Perhaps it could see some play in a fun league or PTCGO expanded deck, but so far that's all I'd expect for it.
There are a lot of more of these than I was expecting, it's a great concept since so many secondary types are underused or non existent altogether (there's never been a psychic type Bulbasaur line for example), the lack of new artwork is a bit disappointing but now I'm wondering about how they'll be released in our sets. The May set will have a lot of orphaned cards with these. Unless they make an alternate type box or just save them for blister promos.
There are a lot of more of these than I was expecting, it's a great concept since so many secondary types are underused or non existent altogether (there's never been a psychic type Bulbasaur line for example), the lack of new artwork is a bit disappointing but now I'm wondering about how they'll be released in our sets. The May set will have a lot of orphaned cards with these. Unless they make an alternate type box or just save them for blister promos.

Yeah, it would be weird if all these alternative type cards were printed in our SM6, because they would just feel lumped in. I could see them being blister promos. I think it would be cool if they released some kind of promo box that had them all in it.
I hope GX pokemon get a reprint like having noivern GX as normal or alolan Muk GX to psychic