PokeBeach's June 2018 PTCGO Tournament, Sponsored by TCGplayer.com!

There are 10 matches that have not reported yet. You have until 11:59PM Central Standard Time (US) to report your matches.
@KK-Swizzle wins 2-1 against @Nirvandalo

Thanks for the great matches, rounds 2 and 3 were really nailbiters! Tough luck at the end there, not sure if yolo'ing that sycamore was the correct play or not, but I got lucky and hit the nuts, looked to be in a bad spot otherwise. Game 2 as well could have easily gone either way, very well played!

why does someone have a point at tie breaker? it shouldnt be physically possible to have a win against opponent with the same score if all with the same score are X-0. i am just confused why thats a thing.