
Aspiring Trainer
Morning All,
I feel that the application needs a bit of a shake up.
A couple of things come to mind.
I would say 9 out of 10 matches I play are against the same repeated decks over and over. Volcanion/Gardevoir/Metagross.
It's like an episode of Scooby Doo where they recycle the same background as the characters are running along a corridor.
Does anyone feel it would be interesting to add another game play mode that prevents people from using meta decks?
It gets a bit tiresome playing against the same things all the time. It would also give a nice playground to test new decks.
You'd just end up playing against the same kind of deck over and over in that mode as well because it would have it's own meta decks

There is no escaping meta decks. There will always be a best deck and most people will play it as a result.
I agree with what CrownAxe said, regardless of what you do to a format you'll always end up with some sort of meta that that has a better performance rate than other decks.

But with that said, I do wish TPCi would shake up Expanded and Legacy (especially Legacy) with some sort of change. Perhaps some sort of card restrictions à la Japan's Hall of Fame/Palace format?
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How about a mode where people submit decks, and then you are given a random one from those decks, and battle someone with a random deck?
I feel what your saying. I play the card game with my son and often I say we could play a game with no ex or gx or even breaks. It can be fun to make some thing similar to an improved theme deck. However there then becomes a new meta ie greninja or passimian. So inevitably there are top decks in any meta.

Could have sworn I'd already posted on this thread. Shortly after I Liked a comment. Maybe I ran out of time to finish the comment...

Okay, so the short version:

Any time we add a new mode to the PTCGO, it further splits the playerbase. Not against adding a new mode, but that needs to be taken into account.

What also needs to be taken into account is you're pretty much always going to get "metagame" decks.

Put the two together, and this seems like a bad idea. Rather find a way to shake up the existing formats. 30-Card, or maybe more Online Exclusive decks for the Theme Format.
You can't escape meta. If you split the game into a million different modes there would be individual meta's no matter what.
Id like to see a draft mode. It would probably be difficult to implement because of typing and evolution chains, but since it's be run by computers and not actual random packs, it should be possible.
I feel like some sort of Pokecube game mode might be fun,
or a draft/ prerelease mode
Prereleases have been requested before on the TCGO's official forums, but there are some issues that would have to be addressed before they could be done (Adding the set two weeks before release, the issue of IRL Prereleases being a paid event, and the 40-card deck structure possibly being difficult to set up).
Prereleases have been requested before on the TCGO's official forums, but there are some issues that would have to be addressed before they could be done (Adding the set two weeks before release, the issue of IRL Prereleases being a paid event, and the 40-card deck structure possibly being difficult to set up).
what I meant was a post prerelease released format, like a prerelease, but after the set has debuted
What is a draft?
Drafting is when you pick from a selection of random cards and construct a deck using those. Presumably you'd be able to fill in basic energies freely after constructing the deck. There are a bunch of different draft formats, from more traditional ones like sealed pack drafts, where you open a bunch of packs and use those cards to construct a deck, to something that takes advantage of the computer aspect of the program, like Hearthstone's arena mode, where you're presented with 90 random cards, 3 at a time, and pick 1 card out of each selection of 3 for a total of a 30 card deck.