PokeBeach Turns 10 Years Old!

PokeBeach is 10 years old today! I started this site on July 15th, 2003, the summer before I was entering high school when I was 14. And now I’m 24 and a grad student studying film production! Needless to say this site has been a major part of my life every day for these past 10 years. Sharing my love of Pokemon has always been my driving force and why I still continue to work on this site even 10 years later. It’s also why people like Shakespeare, Bangiras, Shining Raikou, Puddizzle, Vincent, Xous, Amu, and so many others have dedicated themselves to this site over the years. We all love this franchise!

Unfortunately, I do not feel this site has ever reached its full potential. The biggest hitch has always been trying to find a programmer who can bring our projects to life. It’s an extremely frustrating feeling to have all these things you want to do, and all the resources to pull them off, but no one to actually execute them. That has been the case for the majority of this site’s existence… until recently.

Some time in the next month or two this site is going to begin the path toward its full potential. It would have been today – and I was trying so, so hard to make it happen by today – but this summer literally went from 0 to 100 mph when I was offered the opportunity to write and direct a short web series for Subway. We’re actually going into production next month, so everything I planned to happen this summer has to be pushed back a bit. I think it’ll be worth the wait though. So stay tuned, and watch out for any evil-looking children with red eyes!